Key Terms
- Harlem Renaissance - a period of cultural and artistic flourishing in the African American community in the 1920s and 1930s.
- Cotton Club - The hottest nightclub in Harlem.
Important People
- Countee Cullen A famous African poet and author of poem "Yet Do I Marvel".
- Claude McKay A famous African poet and author of poems "Harlem Shadows".
- James Weldon Johnson A memoirist and songwriter known for "God's Trombones".
- Zora Neale Hurston A anthropologist and writer known for "Their Eyes Were Watching God".
- Langston Hughes Poet, playwright, and novelist known for "The Weary Blues".
- Aaron Douglas A illustrator, muralist and celebrated painter who developed a modernist style based in African and Egyptian.
- Lois Mailou Jones A painter known for her colorful abstract oil and watercolor paintings.
- Augusta Savage Sculptor who gained fame for her scuptured busts of prominent African Americans such as W.E.B Du Bois and Marcus Garvey.
- Archibald J. Motley Jr. Painter who was born in New Orleans and found inspiration in the sights and sounds of the jazz and blues scenes.
- Aaron Douglas A illustrator, muralist and celebrated painter.
- Alain Locke Howard University professor who published "The New Negro: An Interpretation".
- Roland Hayes Opera singer who became an international star with his sensitive renditions of songs in multiple languages.