Nativism - ideology that favored people born in the United States over more recent immigrants.
Eugenics - the belief that some races are superior "desirable" to others.
Bootleggers - people who made, transported, or supplied alcohol illegally.
Speakeasies - illegal drinking clubs "saloons" where people secretly gathered in the evenings.
Fundamentalism - a movement that promoted the idea that every word of the Bible was the literal truth.
National Origins Act - act that gave preference to people from western and northern European countries and blocked Asian immigrants entirely.
Sacco-Vanzetti case - a murder trial against two Italian men in which people believed that bias against immigrants and radical politcal beliefs had led to an unfair trial.
Sigmund Freud Psychologist that suggested that the unconscious mind controlled much of an indviduals behavior, an idea that established notions about the causes of mental illness and emotional distress.